December, The Moody Blues (Universal)

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moodyblu.jpgAlthough a British invasion band, the Moodies didn't hit their stride until they discovered orchestras with Days of Future Past, and then they went on to be one of the more popular progressive acts of the 1970s. They've remained active into the current day, even scoring a hit in the late 80s ("Your Wildest Dreams"), but they've really only gotten more mellow over time. So this 2003 CD is far more pop than rock, putting it pretty much out of the question for younger listeners and more into that Baby Boomer demographic. They get credit for putting together some originals, like "Don't Need a Reindeer," "December Snow" and "On This Christmas Day," and they cover "Happy Xmas (War is Over)," "White Christmas" and "In the Bleak Midwinter," also adding lyrics to a Bach melody on "The Quiet of Christmas Morning." But this is far more easy listening than rock.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on October 1, 2006 11:47 AM.

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