Fuzz For the Holidays, Davie Allan and the Arrows (Wicked Cool)

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arrows.jpgThis instrumental rock band came up in the 1960s with hits like "Apache '65" and "Blue's Theme," and they've managed to keep the flame burning from those days to this one. Coming after such guitar combos as the Ventures, the Arrows cranked their old-school amps to 11 to get that classic "fuzz" sound that is featured in the titles of both the band's Christmas albums. But not to worry, vintage keyboards are a big part of the sound, too, which gives them the opportunity to sweeten things with clavioline, glock and bells as well as the iconic Vox Continental organ. The original Xmas album is from 2004 and was produced by Silvio Dante himself, Little Steven Van Zandt, while the second, from 2007, was produced by Allan on the Spinout label. The earlier disc is all classic carols, with a brief "Ho Ho Seven" by Little Steven prequeling "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," while the second throws in three originals written or co-written by Allan. Two of those, "A Winter Song" and "Santa on the Run," are vocals featuring Allan at the mike. The sound is actually a little too well-produced on both discs, losing a bit of the garage ethos the band had back in the day, but they retain their unique sound throughout both these discs.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on August 1, 2007 3:40 PM.

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