Holiday Hell Yeah!, Go Jimmy Go (Moon Room)

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holihell.jpgHere's what happens when a band from Honolulu decides to get down for the holiday, or so they would have us believe. Strangely, nobody here is named Jimmy, but the vibe is definitely party music all the way, kicking off with the standard uptempo version of "Merry Christmas Baby" and swinging into the original reggae tune "Holiday Movie Marathon." Needless to say, they take a whack at "Mele Kalikimaka," giving it a more traditional sounding reading complete with slack-key guitar solo, and they break out the ukeleles for the title song, a somewhat more mellow number than the title would suggest, but still light-hearted and fun. "12 Days of Christmas Local Style" starts out with a bit of Bob and Doug MacKenzie-style banter before replacing all the traditional gifts with stuff like a mynah bird in a papaya tree. Worth having for the change of pace, worth noting for those of you who are planning a 98-degree Christmas and don't want to have to use the boy band's record as part of it. Parrotheads might just get a kick out of this too.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on August 31, 2007 2:30 PM.

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