3 Ships, Jon Anderson (Opio Media)

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3ships.jpgOrignally from 1985, and out of print for years, it turned up again in Europe for 2007 as a 22nd anniversary edition, which is now available domestically through Amazon's manufactured-to-order service. It's been remastered from the vinyl days and it includes five bonus tracks, which are interspersed through the running order rather than grouped at the end. As to the actual music, well, it's not unexpected if you're familiar with the work of Anderson's former band Yes, though it's arranged more for orchestra than for small combo. Anderson writes the bulk of the material, though a fair number of classic carols are part of the set list, including the title song and the Mozart version of "Ave Maria." Much of Anderson's music, in fact, takes its cue from the antique carols, and there's very little rock going on here. One might consider this a forerunner of Mannheim Steamroller and Trans-Siberian Orchestra, though with far less bombast than those two. Though it's Jon's show, he's assisted by sometime Yes-men Trevor Rabin and Vangelis, the latter of whom contributed a full song and a co-write, and, for you trivia buffs, Elliot Easton of the Cars performs on electric and acoustic guitars.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on September 4, 2007 5:57 PM.

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