Happy Holidays, Billy Idol (Cyber Corps)

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billidol.jpgIf the Twisted Sister disc is precisely what you might have expected had they recorded it back in the day, Idol's is the exact opposite of that. The former lead singer of Generation X and the guy who brought us "Dancing With Myself," "Rebel Yell," "White Wedding" and "Cradle of Love" has all but dispensed with his signature sound, presenting a Christmas album that owes a lot more to Vic Damone than Idol's own "Yellin' At the Xmas Tree," which isn't even on here. He does 15 standard Christmas songs and carols, fattening it up with two originals, "Happy Holiday" and "Christmas Love," both of which are pretty lounge-y. The two rock classics he does, Elvis' "Santa Claus Is Back in Town" and "Run Rudolph Run" at least, are worthwhile, and his "Winter Wonderland" at least has some rhythm and guitar riffing going on, and "Jingle Bell Rock" is at least on a par with Hall and Oates' version. But sincere versions of "Silent Night" and "Auld Lang Syne" really don't add much to the rock canon. This 2006 album was originally only sold at Billy's website and Best Buy, but it's in neither place right now, leaving eBay or Amazon independent vendors with pricey import copies. There are two different covers for the import and the original version.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on September 17, 2007 5:07 PM.

A Twisted Christmas, Twisted Sister (Razor and Tie) was the previous entry in this blog.

Winter Wonderland, Paul Carrack & the SWR Big Band (Carrack/Universal UK) is the next entry in this blog.

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