Hey Santa, Carnie and Wendy Wilson (SBK)

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wilsons.jpgAfter listening to this 1993 release, I think I understand why my wife doesn't like The Beach Boys, especially if you consider the old saying that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The two oldest daughters of Brian Wilson obviously picked up something from him, but his love of early rock 'n roll apparently isn't it. This is strictly middle-of-the-road pop music, even if it does draw from musical cues pioneered by their father's group. Everything on here is overdressed, pumped up with musical introductions that ladle on the schmaltz before they even hit the first verse of several of these songs. This technique absolutely ruins the title song, which is otherwise the most listenable tune on here and the most like something Brian might have done. Beach Boys obsessives might want this for Carl Wilson's appearance on "Hey Santa," the reunion of The Honeys as backing singers on "Rudolph," and Brian's performance on piano on "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," which is the album's mandatory singing-kids performance featuring various Wilson and Love children and grandchildren, with the actual Beach Boys themselves singing backup to the brats. Shoulda asked Dad for more help on this, girls. Carnie also cut a solo Christmas album in 2007, Christmas With Carnie, on which Wendy guested, but the above review, minus the famous guest appearances, holds for this album in spades.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on September 8, 2007 1:10 PM.

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