I Wanna Be Santa Claus, Ringo Starr (Mercury)

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ringo.jpgRingo and his producer Mark Hudson (remember him from the Hudson Brothers and as Hanson's producer?) strung together a lot of ready-mades in putting this 1999 CD in the racks. You'd be disappointed if he didn't do "The Little Drummer Boy," right? Beatles fans would want to hear "Christmastime Is Here Again," so it's here, despite the fact it's not much of a song and was only ever intended for use as background music. Ringo's not the kind of singer who makes you wish the album was longer. And there's lots of post-Revolver pilfering for arrangements. Still, nobody went home early from making this album; six of 12 cuts are originals and the performances are sharp, even inspired. "Come On Christmas" is straight out of the Gary Glitter discography, "The Christmas Dance" out-McCartneys Paul in the music hall department, "Winter Wonderland" percolates on the lick from "Rockin' Pneumonia" and Ringo indulges his love of country on "Blue Christmas." "White Christmas," a song that seldom gets a fresh arrangement, goes all tropical on us with a light reggae rhythm, Hawaiian guitar and steel drums. And how did George Harrison miss out on performing the album's closer, the India-influenced "Pax Um Biscum (Peace Be With You)?" This disc was reissued with a new cover and a different title as part of Universal's 20th Century Masters series for 2003, but it's the same album.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on September 5, 2007 3:49 PM.

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