Blues, Mistletoe and Santa's Little Helper, various artists (Black Top)

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blaktop.jpgThis collection of Texas and Louisiana bands from 1995 takes a bluesy look at the holiday with a mix of originals and standards, although Grady Gaines' "Grady and Santa Is Coming To Town" is probably better known by the title it would have if Santa came by himself. Likewise, "Joe's Christmas Salutations" by Big Joe and the Dynaflows sounds a lot like "Merry Christmas Baby." Rick Holmstrom's "Sleigh Ride" is the traditional song done in a fast shuffle, and Sam Myers with Anson Funderburgh and the Rockets does a credible job on Lowell Fulsom's "Lonesome Christmas." Robert Ward's "Wouldn't It Be a Merry Christmas" is uptempo in tone, if not in rhythm. Mark Wilson and Kaz Kazanoff do a jazz horn chorus version of "Good King Wenceslaus" and Bill Kirchen's "Santa! Don't Pass Me By" is flat-out country. A good blues album with lots of distinctive cuts. And by the way, the record company thoughtfully offered a poster version of the CD cover back in the day.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on January 19, 2008 8:47 PM.

Here Comes Another Christmas... Greetings From the Salt City, various artists (Blue Wave) was the previous entry in this blog.

Blue Xmas: Christmas Blues Instrumentals, various artists (Evidence) is the next entry in this blog.

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