"Bo Selecta's Proper Crimbo!," Avid Merrion (Bellyache/BMG)

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crimbo.jpgThis was out in 2003 but I had no idea it was a Christmas record at that time. "Bo Selecta" is a British TV show starring Avid Merrion on independent Channel 4. Haven't seen it, being on the wrong side of the Atlantic to do so, but I'm told it's sketch comedy with lots of celebrity impersonations and send-ups. This bit of whacked-out rap-rock makes a right cheeky noise, guv'nor, and if you can stand the singer's references to being so happy he wet himself, you might just get a kick out of this. Can't quite explain how Christmas becomes "Crimbo," but I assume it's the same impulse that causes the old country's tabloid headline writers to dub Sir Paul "Macca," Michael Jackson "Jacko" and anybody named Gary "Gazza." British import only and out of print, although oddly Amazon has a karaoke version. UPDATE: A second Bo Selecta Christmas disc features Patsy Kensit and Davina McCall in a slightly holiday-slanted version of "I Got You Babe." Naturally, having two women and one man singing the song leads to some menage a trois allusions.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on September 11, 2008 7:10 PM.

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