Flatulina's Fabulous Holiday Spectacular, Flatulina (Fabulation)

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flatlena.jpgIf this had come from somebody in the Howard Stern orbit, I would have probably dismissed it out of hand. But I have to give Flatulina credit for shameless promotion, myth-making and plagiarism beyond the call of duty. Some examples: Her dad was Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap. Her boyfriend is noted film director Alan Smithee, whom she met when she composed the musical score for the film they both were working on, "Rochelle Rochelle." Her previous boyfriend was Chris Gaines. She played the role of Maris Crane on "Frazier." And so on. John Lennon said it best: "Good artists borrow. Great artists steal." (And we know that's true, because Lennon stole that line from Picasso, who in turn may have cribbed it from a T.S. Eliot essay, or perhaps from a similar quote of Igor Stravinsky....) You can decide which one she is when I tell you what's actually on the CD -- nine cuts of classic carols in which she farts the melody lines, except for "Dance of the Reed Pipes." There also are some examples of "singing fish" on the CD, but you'll have to wade through the enhanced CD portion of this album to learn what that's all about. While this is a one-joke novelty record, Flatulina manages to make the absolute most of the gag.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on September 12, 2008 4:18 PM.

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