A Very Cherry Christmas 4, various artists (Cherryade)

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cherry4.jpgHaving caught up to the Cherryade label's past holiday compilations this year, we can now bring you the 2008 edition. Once again, a group of mostly British alternative rock bands bring us 18 mostly original holiday tunes. Fever Fever opens the disc with "Hallelujah Carol," which starts out with a taste of AC/DC and renders its lyrics in almost a rap fashion. Idaho's Very Most offers "This Year Christmas Came Nov. 4," and though it's not overt, the band admits it's about the 2008 presidential election. "Xmas Song" by Little My is a happy little ditty about a sad, sad Christmas, and Gayla Peevey is finally trumped by The Lovely Eggs, who want a "Tyrannosaurus Rex For Christmas." Take that, hippopotamus! "Perfect Christmas Snow (Perfect Christmas Kiss)" is an epic-length ballad of love found and lost on the holiday by The Gresham Flyers, and the same territory is mined, more briefly and at a faster tempo, in "It Was Christmas That Killed Us" by Hearts!Attack. Penny Broadhurst considers a terminal patient's last Christmas in "The End," and Ste McCabe offers the brief punk thrash "Christmas Time For Sanctimonious Swine." The Seven Inches write their own take on "12 Days of Christmas," jumping off from the familiar carol to add their own observations. Detox Cute and the Beauty Junkies offer the synth-pop "Alarm Bells bw Silent Night," a lover's quarrel segueing into a version of the carol named in the title. Stark Palace offers "Saw What Your Momma Did" in reference to an incident under the mistletoe, a performance that sounds like an outtake from "Nightmare Before Christmas." And the Pocket Gods wrap up with a bit of sci-fi in "Alien Xmas Song." All told, another interesting collection from the Cherryade folks.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on June 19, 2009 4:49 PM.

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