Kiss Me Like It's Christmas, This Century (Action Theory)

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thiscent.jpgI'm remiss in getting this 2009 tune to you from this Tempe, Ariz. pop-rock band, a sharp uptempo rocker led by piano and strong vocals with a great lyrical sentiment. I just dug this out of my out-of-control iTunes playlist and I'm loving it all over again. At the same time I found this, I also found this band's "Dream of Christmas," a nice ballad from 2008. I'll have to watch to see if these guys plan to make a habit of doing Christmas singles. (While checking up on them, I saw they recently did a cover of "Paper Planes" by M.I.A. as well, currently on their MySpace playlist. Not Christmas of course, but I like it when rock bands cover hip-hop tunes.)

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on November 6, 2010 1:14 PM.

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