XO For the Holidays Vol. 5, various artists (XO Publicity)

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The artist management company keeps its holiday tradition going for a fifth straight year with this free nine-song collection of indie rock from its band roster. The Winter Sounds kick things off with a rocking tune called "A Mariah and Evin Christmas," which they state is dedicated to Mariah and Evin Hone, whoever they are; the band doesn't say and neither does Google. Blue Skies For Black Hearts offer a 60s rock homage with "Maybe Next Christmas," Magnuson goes all Jesus and Mary Chain on "What Child Is This," Caravan of Thieves sing "I Don't Want Anything For Christmas" to a gypsy jazz backing, Armed With Legs do that angular 80s rock thing angular on "Xmas Wolves," Electric Shepherd offer a 70s-style slow-tempo meditation on "Dovetail," Robert Burnham accompanies himself on acoustic guitar for "White Christmas" until he's overcome by the sound of high winds, Piney Gir name-checks Spider-Man and Superman in "It's Christmas Time Again," and Sophie Barker wraps up the collection with her gentle version of "Winter Wonderland." Another strong set from XO. UPDATE: Mariah Hone checks in from her phone to explain that The Winter Sounds held a Kickstarter fund-raising event and that one of the prizes was that the band would write a song about the donor. When Mariah (and Evin) won, she asked the band to make the new song about Christmas. PS: She's a regular Mistletunes reader. Thanks for the rest of the story, Mariah!

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on December 5, 2012 10:14 PM.

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