What we're NOT getting for Christmas (this year, anyway...)

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A coincidence of note around these parts is that three rock performers who came to our attention in the late 70s-early 80s have long been tipped for new Christmas music, but based on my most recent attempts to shake them loose, they don't appear to have release dates for 2013 pencilled in. Meat Loaf's Wikipedia page states he has an album titled "Hot Holidays" coming, but I've been unable to find a source with a release date, and Mr. Loaf's website and Facebook page have nothing about it. Similarly, Pat Benatar, who has a couple of Christmas singles in her past, is supposed to have a full album coming, but it, too, does not look likely for this year either, with no info forthcoming at the artist's website. A recent interview with Pat states that the album is more her hubby Neil Geraldo's project and that she is only slated to sing on two cuts of the proposed album. That leaves Patty Smyth of Scandal, best known for the hit single/video "Goodbye To You" from the early MTV days. She did put out a single of "Silent Night" in 2011, which was used in an episode of "NCIS" that year, and in 2012 she put up a stream of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." But there's nothing further about a full album; so far "Silent Night" is the only song available to buy, and then only from her website. If anything changes, of course, we'll get you the news.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on November 3, 2013 2:25 PM.

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