Holiday, Earth Wind & Fire (Legacy)

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I've always expressed a bit of trepidation when covering classic rock and r'nb stars who come out with Christmas albums late in their careers, due to the statistically strong possibility that such releases are exercises in going through the motions in search of a quick payday. I'm pleased to say that nothing of the sort is true of this album featuring the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-honored band. This is EW&F's trademark sound superimposed on the holiday in the best possible way. The classic carols on this album, like disc opener "Joy To the World," "Winter Wonderland," "What Child Is This," "Away In a Manger," "The First Noel" and "Sleigh Ride," are reimagined to fit the band's signature sound and are lively takes to boot. "Snow" is an imaginative choice of a traditional Japanese song, "The Drummer Boy" loses the "Little" of the title but gains a funky touch, and even "Jingle Bell Rock" gets a fresh coat of paint and a danceable groove. "Everyday Is Christmas" is a jazzy original by past EW&F collaborators Roxanne Seeman and Phillip Steinke that was originally performed by Chinese vocalist Jacky Cheung, and the band revisits two of their past tunes, "Happy Seasons" being based on "Happy Feelings" and "December" taking off from their big hit "September." That latter tune is the one everybody will remember from this album, but the whole collection is worth everyone's while.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on December 1, 2014 11:06 PM.

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