A Sunshine Christmas, KC and the Sunshine Band (Sunshine Sounds)

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I had somehow not noticed this came out in 2015, but it's been reissued for 2018 with one new song, a medley of "Silent Night/Away in a Manger" that could have been done by anybody. If you're going to spend good money on Christmas music featuring a classic 70s disco act, then you're going to want something that carries something of the sound of that particular act. Keep in mind that KC and the Sunshine Band, in its original incarnation, was something of an art concept in that its best known tunes, like "Get Down Tonight," "That's the Way I Like It," "Shake Your Booty" and others, were stripped-down and repetitive dance-floor anthems, which was a reaction to the earnestness of classic and progressive rock of the early 70s. So the tunes you really want to hear from this collection are the ones that hearken back to their original era, like the title song, "Let's Go Dancing With Santa," "Jingle Bell Boogie," and "After Christmas Song." The version of "Carol of the Bells" also manages to have some of that 70s flair, but the other songs, all classic tunes like "Last Christmas," "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town," "Little Drummer Boy," "Do You Hear What I Hear," "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," and "Go Tell It On the Mountain," are pretty much professional cover band renditions.

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Man, I am scuffling with my mixtaping this year. I tend to go for super high-energy tunes. After years of pillaging the '90s and early '00s, it seems like the wave after wave of downbeat indie tracks are finally catching up with me. Labels like Norton that have been reliable have given up on adding to their holiday collection. Old faithfuls like Suburban Sprawl succumbing to the ravages of time took away their fresh blood. I don't think I've pulled a new release since the Melvins did Carol of the Bells. It's feels like no one is bringing the rawk like they used to. At least I know if it's out there, I'll find it here. Thanks for your dedication.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on November 27, 2018 10:43 PM.

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